Naples shipping week: the port flywheel of development and generator of economic growtha

Naples shipping week: the port flywheel of development and generator of economic growth

“The themes of shipping do not end in the Port of Naples but involve the territory. They interact with the fabric of the metropolitan city. This is why we can interpret the Port as a flywheel of development capable of performing an intercultural and creative function generating economic growth, higher education, research and culture. A pole capable of developing the entire metropolitan area in this direction”.
This is how Massimo Clemente, director of the Research Institute on Innovation and Services for the Development of the CNR, opened the debate “The city goes to port: culture, research and development. Visions for a shared design” that opened the ‘Naples shipping week’.

Roots and potential of the challenge launched by Clemente were illustrated by Umberto Masucci, president of the ‘Propeller club’ and ‘Naples shipping week’: “After 15 years of stalemate, we finally started again thanks to the intense action carried out by the president of the Port Authority, Pietro Spirito, with whom there has been a fruitful collaboration. The metro station that is about to arrive at the Port, the restoration of the old Immacolatella that will be the emblem of the Port itself, the complete renovation of the Molo Beverello. These are three fundamental works alongside which we will also create a large museum of the sea and migrations. This reality will be central for the entire city. All this has been possible thanks to the great unity of the port maritime cluster and the synergy with public stakeholders and the university”.

The President of the Port Authority, Pietro Spirito, spoke about the role of the port as a hub, a place of passage and transit in which the routes of passengers and goods are reorganized. “Our history speaks of port settlements strongly integrated into the fabric and economy of the city. Since the beginning, the Port has been inside the root of Naples itself, united in an inseparable relationship. We must find the right tools to enhance this extraordinary synergy”.

Alessandro Castagnaro, professor of History of Architecture at the University Federico II of Naples, also spoke about the historical root of the relationship between the city and the port: “One of the main aspects of the port of Naples is the strong bond with the city that dates back to Roman times. A relationship that must not be interrupted. Rather, the port adapts itself to the current needs that have changed. Naples thanks to the Port receives tourism, companies, trade, with a strong occupational aspect that is a corollary. It serves one synergy between the various forces in field a net that exalts the single realities. It must be done quickly, an acceleration is needed in order not to remain at the tail light of the Mediterranean”.

For Luigi Nicolais, CTS City of Science coordinator: “we must start from the Naples metro project, a project to imitate. Naples needs a great visionary project to present to Europe. A great project and work in small steps. To create a system of knowledge on the seafront that implies the need for a closer collaboration between public and private sector, strengthening the relationship of trust to work synergistically. Region, entrepreneurs, universities, research together for a development plan. It is imperative to do at this time that European funds can enable us to achieve things not possible in the past. Put in system all the water front that starts from Naples to Castellammare where there are already valuable settlements concerning research, university and tourism”.

The proposal of synergies between the various realities is also collected by Paolo Giulierini, director of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples in Italy: “The MANN adheres with enthusiasm to the invitation of the Port Authority to participate in the project. In analogy with the experience of Capodichino that has seen the inclusion of works related to the flight (Urania) inside the Naples airport, the MANN will make a substantial loan to the Maritime Station of works that speak of the sea to create suggestive exhibitions. Through art we reaffirm the union with the sea”. Will be set up works on the theme of myths, depictions of sea creatures, landscapes of marine villas, boats, large ships, fantastic creatures, fishermen (an important theme for the Mediterranean now impoverished). This is – explained the director Giulierini – the continuation of a path “that started from the idea of including works of art in the stages of the metro, a project that represents a strong connection between port and metro also by naples airport taxi project . The installation will start in the first months of 2021″.

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